Rankins Roofing & Building | Rendering & Exterior Painting


At Rankins Roofing & Building, we take great pride in taking care of all your rendering needs. By hiring us to handle your property refurbishment project, you are guaranteed a service of the highest quality. Whether you want rouch cast or smooth rendering, a simple repair or some plaster work done you can rely on us to get the job done. To find out more, talk to a member of our team today.

  • Roughcast is a render with a coarse finishing coat containing gravel thrown in a premixed state onto a wall. It is distinct from pebble dash (or ‘dry dash’) in which the aggregate is applied separately onto wet plaster.
  • Smooth cast rendering provides a smooth finish rather than the pebble dash look.
  • Repairing external rendered walls improves the appearance of your home. When it comes to our homes, whether we’d like to admit it or not, often our first consideration is an aesthetic one. If it doesn’t look good, why would we be interested? As the outermost layer of our home, render certainly plays a defining role in shaping its appearance. Done correctly, repairing cracks in external rendered walls can have a transformative impact – taking a worn down, tired exterior and changing it into a gleaming surface. The external waterproof render used can be tailored to match both the texture and colour of your home.

Exterior Painting

The best exterior decorators usually give you less quality paint and equipment or lack the experience necessary to give you the exterior paint job your home deserves. We have years of exterior decorator experience and will provide our customers with the best price to performance when it comes to residential painting.

We use eco-friendly paint because it is better for the environment and your pets and family. We want you to be happy with your exterior paint and offer quality customer service as well as a 5 star reputation that we plan to keep. If you’re looking to get the outside of your home painted consider us for your next project.

Rankins Roofing & Building work on both residential and commercial properties with a comprehensive range of professional, affordable, and convenient exterior decorating services that are built to last. The appeal of your property will be greater than ever in no time.

We provide all our customers with free no-obligation quotes so please get in touch today!


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